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Summer Dessert Favorite Fresh Fruit Pizza


Fresh Fruit Pizza


Don’t we all love sugar cookies but today I'm going to make a pizza cookie with fresh fruit so let me go ahead and get this rolled out so that we can put it in the oven I'm going to use half of my cookie dough because it's just I'm not having company today but it's we'd like a little dessert so I'm going to put this away save that for another time.




And I'm going to take out my cookie dough sprinkle my counter top with flour roll my cookie dough out to me the flour takes away some of the sweetness because with the natural fruit sweetness that's what we want to taste we didn't want to taste a sweet cookie dough but at least.


I don't when you're welcome to make it without the flour because I'm going to add a little more flour than just the dusting on the counter so I'm going to add flour as I knead it until I get it that until it stops sticking to my countertop see it's already stopping it's already not sticking to the countertop.


 So I don't have to add too much it's hard to gauge how much you'll need to use so just try it put it on your countertop and see what resistance you have on or not there's if there's no sticking you're good to go so now since I have it how I want it to be I'm going to flour again because I don't want it to stick.


 Once I start to roll it out you're gonna place it on the counter. You can Pat it out a little bit this won't be a lord I have to do because I was having some little resistance with my cookie dough reacting right for me and so that I can keep my shape of my cookie I have placed it in a ball again and Pat and flatten it out to put it on.


The cookie sheet which I have lined with aluminum foil so that it doesn't stick so what right now my concentration is I like to have a round cookie so I've placed it on here patted it out a little bit and I'm going to lightly roll this out just to get a larger cookie and so I have more space for my fruit so we're gonna keep rolling this out we're gonna keep trying.


To keep our shape and if it gets a little distorted guess what we can fix that and also remember in the oven this is going to spray it's going to get a little bit larger than it is so that's why depending on where you what you're going to serve it on always make sure you make the cookie a little smaller than the item you're going to serve it on because is going to expand just like a cookie a gooey cookie.


It’s um puffs up and it flattens out this is going to do the same thing so let me just get this a little even over here okay I think that's as good as just going to get so now I'm going to put this in the oven as part of the cookie dough instructions 350 at 350 for 11 to 14 minutes.


I say let's not keep this in longer than the 14 minutes as per the instructions on the cookie on the cookie package a cookie dough package so we're gonna put this in the oven and we'll be back for the cookie pizza I always start out with an 8 ounce block of cream cheese milk no measurements but I'll let you know we'll figure it out along the way and cheesecake Joe I don't use the whole pack.


I just use a portion just to give the cheesecake a little more subsistence and consistency so that it can hold the fruit and not be too soft so we're going to start by putting pouring in the cheesecake pudding okay and then we're going to pour in some milk. We don't want much and then I have a hand mixer I've had this for like so many years we're going to start mixing.


First I like to chop it up hi I'm back taking the cookie out of the oven and has cooled down now for about 15 to 20 minutes so it's easy to touch and it's easy to plate on my on top of my cakes there but let's make sure it stays so what do we do we're going to take some of our topping which was made with the cream cheese and the white and a cheesecake sorry about that.


This cheesecake pudding we're just going to put a little small towel upon so that we can it can grab the cookie we're gonna press it down so it makes it create some nice little suction for the cookie so it'll stay still alright now let's get decorating first we're going to put on our cream cheese cheesecake topping.


We’re going to spread this as even as possible but if not you know what we're in the world of homemade or semi-homemade in this case and if it's not perfectly even it's okay doesn't that look delicious are we going to start arranging the cookies I mean we're gonna start arranging the fruit so what I like to do is I start out with the larger pieces first the Kiwi I've sliced.


Some Kiwi I've peeled and sliced and Kiwi and we're going to position in this starting in the center and working our way around this is such a pretty dessert for the summer for the spring and summer for a baby shower for a bridal shower it just really it just really makes a statement okay start out there then I'll usually go around the perimeter and go with my strawberries.


So I've sliced my strawberries and if you notice my fruit is dry I like to wash my fruit slice it and place it on paper towels so that they get to they're not dripping and that they're able to hold their shape and they don't bleed onto the cream cheese that's another reason why I like to have them dry because we don't want the cream cheese to lose its color so.


We're gonna keep adding our strawberries to the edge doesn't that look like spring and summer sunshine baby shower bridal shower or just dessert for the family.


Next are the blueberries we're just going to place them haphazardly no particular form of fashion around the Kiwi by for the raspberries out extra our beautiful red raspberries are so sweet. We're gonna put these in the center here just gonna put one more right there okay and I've put extra raspberries around the outside where the blueberries are on the outside of it also okay. I guess that's enough of that there isn't that pretty but wait we're not finished yet.


So here I have a tablespoon well two tablespoons apricot preserves and I have about a tablespoon and a half of concern so I'm going to mix that together to form a nice glaze now again this is optional you don't have to do this it's quite perfect the way it is already so I'm going to very lightly brush this on the top.


And it really looks nice once this once it has sat like in the refrigerator for a few hours because it really gives that nice like glaze to everything but if you're going to be serving it right away that's okay too and it just adds that extra level of sweetness also does not have to be perfect if some get a little more get someone in one area, it's okay.


I love to serve this at different parties and functions that I entertain with at when I'd entertain and it's always something that people really rave about because it's so fresh it's so light and it's not that sweet the sugar comes from the fruit okay and it's done and you see it staying on the plate so thank you for joining me into my kitchen and see this great recipe it's a quick recipe and it's inexpensive.


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