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Homemade Paneer Cheese


Make Paneer Cheese





Today we'll be making cheese from spoiled milk so I’ve learned from my mother that in Pakistan. Many years ago when she was in Pakistan the way they check. If your milk is boiled is by boiling it. So if you boil your milk and it doesn't go into a curd form like this then you're fine the milk is okay but if it turns into a curd like this then it's boiled.


But instead of throwing it away we're going to use it to make cheese because although they call it spoiled milk it's not harmful to the body yet so what we'll do is use this opportunity to make it so what I’ve done is boiled it on low heat simmered and then boiled it and you can see I’m just taking some scoop and pouring it on a cheesecloth.


So you'll see over here on the sieve I’ve placed cheesecloth and I’m just going to scoop all of it in after scooping you just squeeze it as much as you can and don't throw away the water because the water will be used to water the garden because the plants would love this water as well since it has a lot of nutrition so I’ve squeezed.


It really tight and once you squeeze out all the water. You'll see that it's like a paneer

Cheese paneer it's a bit soft but it is hard so this is the cheese residue so what I’ve done is you can just leave it for two hours in the fridge I let it cool a bit and placed it in the fridge overnight.


So here's me taking out and since it's been a couple of hours the cheese is really hard there's a way to make mozzarella cheese but someone else made that because the steps are a bit different but yeah it's the same thing it's a cheese. This one doesn't have any salt in it if you want to put salt and taste to it you can add it during the boiling phase by mixing it but for me I didn't want to put any taste to it.


I just wanted to try by itself basically it doesn't have much taste it's just cheese without salt so I’ve placed it in the breakfast I was making for the family in an iron skillet it doesn't melt because it's a paneer cheese but it tasted really good together.


So this is how it looks mozzarella cheese will melt because that is depending on the way you make it but for paneer cheese it will be like this hope you enjoy.

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