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Do you want to make a latte like they do with those fancy coffee houses?

Let me show you how and stick around to the end and I’ll show you a little trick to

Bring your presentation to the next level we're making layered lattes. 




Now before we begin making a latte or a

Cappuccino there's two basic ingredients  

We’ve got espresso and milk I actually prefer the

Lavazza brand


The lavazza grinds come out nice and fine

And the lavazza crème on top the cream

On top of the espresso


Comes out very thick and very smooth

Milk whole milk i find whole milk is the

Best it comes out the creamiest


Even some of the lighter one percent or

Two percent milk

So two basic ingredients let's get going


First thing we're going to do is we're

Going to pack the espresso  

We are going to next froth the milk

And at the end rather than pouring the

Espresso into the cup itself


We’re gonna

Here’s the trick that I mentioned to you earlier

We are going to use a coffee creamer and  

I’ll show you later.


Why we do this we're taking the espresso

Giving a little tap the espresso is in

And its packed next is you want to froth the milk


I mentioned earlier rather than

Extracting the espresso and doing a pour  

Into a cup we're gonna pour this right into

The creamer container


We’re gonna use an Irish coffee mug

These are ideal for the presentation

We've got our milk that has been frothed

And we have our espresso that has been pulled

Into a coffee creamer


Now what you want to do rather than just

Pouring the milk in

You actually want to hold back some of

The steamed milk that's on top there's a

Nice layer on top a cloudy layer


You want to hold that back

And pour in just the milk portion

Next what you do is you take that fluffy

Milk that frosted milk and it looks like a

Cloud but it just sits right on top


Now it doesn't look like much of a latte

Right now does it

You pour the espresso in ever so gently

A nice slow even pour


And you'll start to see that the

Espresso sits right on top

And gives you that layered effect  

Now that is what I call a layered latte

And I’ll tell you arguably this will taste the same


If not better than any coffee you'll get in the

Specialty coffee house

I hope you liked my recipe

See you next time cheers you


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