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Amazing Iced Caramel Macchiato


Caffè macchiato




Today I'll make an amazing iced caramel macchiato. It's one of my favorites because it has caramel in it and I just love caramel. What a lot of people don't know is that they think that caramel macchiato is made with caramel sauce or caramel syrup only but it's not the hidden ingredient is vanilla!


And you can use either vanilla powder or vanilla syrup but it's so much easier to use vanilla syrup and I'm going to use my homemade vanilla syrup.  If you want to find out how to make an amazing homemade vanilla syrup please read my previous blog. The other point about caramel macchiato is that I'm going to melt the caramel sauce  with the espresso so that goes inside the drink but you also need to drizzle the caramel  sauce on top which makes all the difference.


Melting the caramel sauce with the espresso is not enough to actually bring out the caramel flavor and therefore you need to drizzle it on top right. I'll go over the ingredients - obviously you will need caramel sauce. It's caramel macchiato and as I explained earlier you need the vanilla syrup, milk and espresso which I'm going to extract in a minute. I'm going to prepare the ice & milk.


I'm going to pour the caramel sauce and the vanilla syrup into the espresso glass. I'm now going to extract my espresso right into this glass so that I can easily mix them. By the way I'm going to need some milk foam later and using a French press is the best way to get silky smooth milk foam. I'm going to pour a bit of milk and I just need to start pumping. This really nice silky foam


Wow here's my freshly extracted espresso and I just need to mix it well. I just need to pour it on top of my ice and milk. I'm going to drizzle a bit of caramel on the inner side and the milk foam goes on top. Perfect there's my caramel macchiato. Time to try my caramel macchiato I'm first going to take a sip because caramel is just drizzled over on top.


So I can immediately taste the caramel sauce now I'm going to mix it. Ah that's good.... that tastes fantastic. I can't really taste the vanilla out right but it's somewhere in there and it's basically filling the gaps and making it complete vanilla caramel coffee it just has to be good right? Hopefully you've enjoyed this blog on camera macchiato, it tastes amazing.


Just use a store-bought caramel sauce and even for vanilla syrup. If you can't be bothered to make it just buy it  off the shelf and you'll get an amazing caramel macchiato I’ll come back next time with another  amazing beverage recipe thanks very much!


Starbucks Caramel Syrup

Sugar 1 cup  

Low heat  

Meanwhile boil the water

When the sugar begins to color

Stir until the caramel becomes completely amber

Remove from the heat

1 cup of boiling water  

Watch out for splashes when pouring boiling water

Stir until the caramel is completely dissolved  

Let it cool (15-20 minutes)

Vanilla extracts 1 tsp

Pinch of salt



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