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Best Sweet Recipes/ Best Dessert Recipes

 Mango Coconut Cheesecake recipe




In a food processor, finely break the biscuits.
Mix the biscuits, the toasted coconut and melted butter.
Transfer in the cake mold, press down with a spatula and put aside in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Cut the flesh of 1 ½ mangoes in small cubes (separate ⅓ of the small cubes and set aside for plating)
Cut the 3 ½ mangoes left in large cubes.
Puree the large cubes in a food processor with the lime juice and set aside.
Mix the softened cream cheese with the coconut milk (Mine was still cold and it caused me some problems!)
Mix in half of the mango puree.
If your cheesecake batter gets clumpy like mine, pass it through a colander with a spatula to get a smooth texture.
Add in ⅔ of the sugar and the vanilla extract.
Bloom 9g of gelatin in 45ml water, then microwave for 10 seconds and mix with the mango cheese.
With a hand mixer, whip the heavy cream and fold into the mixture until combined (I over-whipped it but it's fine)
Transfer ½ of the cheesecake in the mold and add the small mango cubes.
Pour the remaining mixture in and put in the fridge for 30 minutes.
Mix what’s left of the mango puree with the sugar and water. Bloom 4g of gelatin in 20ml water, microwave for 10 seconds and mix with the puree.
Pour on top of the cheesecake and chill in the fridge for a minimum of 4 hours.
Peel a lime with a potato peeler and proceed to cut lengthwise into julienne.
With a hand mixer, whip heavy cream and sugar to taste and put it in a piping bag.
Slice a piece of cake with a clean and hot knife. 
Add the whipped cream on top along with a few cubes of mango, the lime zest and the toasted coconut.

Easy Mini Cheesecakes Recipe


Today I have something
sweet for you I'm going to show you how
I make these glorious looking mini
cheesecakes for this recipe you're going
to need 1 package of Maria's biscuit or
cookies depending on where you're from
I'm going to add this to my food
processor and I'm going to pause it
until it gets really fine for those of
you who are not familiar we call cookies
in the leaves biscuit growing up we
didn't have a food processor so my mom
would always put the biscuit in a bag
it gets really fine leave me a comment
below and let me know if you use Maria's
biscuit for your crisps or what do you
like to use for your course other than
graham crackers
next I'm going to add some sugar to the
biscuit to sweeten it a bit and mix it
then I'm going to add some mountain
marjorine but you could use butter if
you like either one will work then I'm
just going to give it a good mix until
everything sticks together before I put
it in the pan
I have a 12-cup muffin pan here that I
line and I'm just going to evenly
distribute the mixture in the pan
OK so now it's time to press down a
mixture in a pan and when I do that I
like using a shot glass that just makes
it easy but if you don't have a shot
glass you can just use the back of a
further filling you're going to need two
packages of cream cheese
I had these sitting out at room
temperature to soften make sure you get
every bit of cream cheese of the package
because you can't afford to waste it
to do this part I'm using my electric
mixer and I'm just going to beat this a
little bit to get it going before I add
the other ingredients
now I'm going to add some white sugar
and vanilla and beat that some more
make sure you scrape the ball in between
so you could get everything mixing
together then lastly I'm going to add
two eggs but I'm beating them in one at
a time
don't hover beat your mixture you just
want to beat it until everything is
now I'm going to evenly spoon the
mixture over the cross man I could just
eat this very spoonfuls because it's so
so good I know I'm not allowed to do
that because of the raw eggs but I'm
just putting this out there and let you
know cheesecake is my weakness give this 
blog a thumbs up if you love cheesecake
bake this at 325 degrees Fahrenheit for
20 to 22 minutes you don't want to over
bake it if you see that your cheesecake
starts to crack that means you baked it
too long it should have a slight jiggle
to it and it will puff up when it bakes
but when it cools down it will flatten a
bit you want to let that cool down
completely before you put it in a
refrigerator and I like to leave mine in
there overnight before I eat it
something about that overnight setting
just does something to the flavors well
I hope you give this recipe a try thank
you so much for this
and I'll talk to you my next one
take care bye

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