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Raspberry Cheesecake


Separate 3 eggs ,

Add 1 tsp vanilla extract into 3 egg yolks  

3 tbsp oil (45ml)

3 tbsp milk (45ml)

Sift in 55g cake flour (7 tbsp)

Add a pinch of salt into the egg whites and whisk it up

When the mixture is foamy, add 50g sugar (4 tbsp) gradually

Mix 1/3 egg white with the egg yolk mixture

Fold with the rest of the egg white until just combined

Pour the batter into the lined pan and flatten the surface

Bake in the preheated oven at 170C for 20 - 22minutes

Let it cool down completely

Add 200g frozen or fresh raspberries into a saucepan

10ml lemon juice (2 tsp)

50g sugar (4 tbsp)

Put it over medium heat for about 5 -7 minutes

Sift the mixture to remove raspberry seeds

Let it cool down

200g softened cream cheese

Add 40g sugar (3tbsp) and mix well

200ml cold heavy cream

Mix until well combined and thicken (if the mixture is a little bit lumpy, put it in the microwave for about 10 - 15 seconds)

Bloom 6g gelatin powder (2 tsp) with 30ml (2 tbsp) cold water and melt in the microwave

Add about 2 tbsp cream cheese mixture into the melted gelatin and mix well

Pour it into the cream cheese and mix to combine  

Combine 70g raspberry coulees (1/3 cup) into the mixture

Cut the cake sheet into 2 equal pieces (16 x 16 cm / 6 x 6 in)

The cake ring is 16 x 16 cm / 6 x 6in

Apply raspberry syrup (mix 2 tbsp raspberry coulees with 3 tbsp water) on the cake

Add raspberry cream cheese

Let the cream cheese set in the fridge for 20 minutes

Mix 75g raspberry coulees (1/3 cup) with 75ml water (1/3 cup)

Add 6g bloomed and melted gelatin powder

Pour 1/2 of the jelly mixture (75ml or 1/3 cup) on top

Chill it for 15 minutes in the fridge

Add the second cake layer

repeat the process

Chill it for 20 minutes

Pour the rest of the raspberry jelly on top

Let it set in the fridge for 3 hours

Use a hot towel or a torch to heat the cake ring and untold

Trim the sides

Fresh raspberries edible go.



Gulaab Jamun




First we will make sugar syrup.

Half a kilo of sugar, two green cardamoms. One and a half cup of normal water, Cook until the sugar melts. After the sugar has melted, add three tablespoons of lemon juice or white vinegar

Don't make stringy sugar syrup, just thicken the syrup.


The syrup is ready 250 grams of dry milk. Four tablespoons flour, half a teaspoon baking powder. It is very important to filter it. Three tablespoons ghee. Mix well. Make her dough with normal milk. (5 tablespoon milk)


Now it's ready, now rest it for five minutes. After 5 minutes it is set, now we will shape it round or oval shape is up to you. We will give it an oval shape.


Ready, now we will fry it, Take the oil and heat it normally. This is a technique, when you add it for frying, keep stirring the oil in it. Do not let these shapes touch, just shake the oil

Fry until dark brown or light brown.


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