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Strawberry Lemonade Recipe



Today I'm sharing our easy strawberry lemonade recipe that you will love so much,

you'll be making it all year long. I can't think of anything more refreshing or delicious on a hot summer's day than a glass of strawberry lemonade,

and this recipe is going to knock your socks off. 



It has the perfect blend of flavors from fresh-squeezed lemons, fresh or frozen strawberries, 

you can make sweeter as you like.

Let's get started. 



The first thing we're going to do is make the simple syrup

for our lemonade, which is just 

sugar and water in a sauce pan.

We have two cups of water. 

(water pouring)

And one and  half cup sugar.

We're gonna stir together our water and sugar,

 Sugar is completely dissolved.

Then we're gonna let it cool completely, and this will be the base of the juice of the lemonade that we'll combine with lemon juice and strawberries to make our lemonade. Our simple syrup is cooling. Now we're going to puree our strawberries. So you're going to need a half-pound of fresh strawberries or frozen.  I've removed the stems and sliced these in half.

We're going to add them to our food processor or you could use a blender so we can puree them until smooth.(food processor whirring) 




Okay, they look perfect.

Now that our strawberries are pureed,

you can add these right to your lemonade

if you don't mind seeds and a little bit

of that chunky strawberry texture.

I like my lemonade a little more smooth,

so I like to pour it into a fine mesh strainer

to press out the seeds and any large chunks.

I  use the back of my spoon

to press the mixture through the strainer.

We want as much of the strawberry juice

to push through as possible.

Grab your fresh lemons because we are ready to add

one and a half cups of fresh lemon juice to our lemonade.

So each lemon will have about three tablespoons

of lemon juice in it, depending on how big your lemons are.

And definitely if you're making homemade lemonade,

really, you want to use fresh lemons. 




We don't want any lemon seeds in our lemonade,

so I like to use this little tool to catch the seeds

or you can juice them through your hands to catch the seeds.

The last easy step is to combine

all of our ingredients together.

We've got our cooled simple syrup

we're gonna add to our pitcher.

The reason we add this simple syrup,

we warm it on the stove, is to help the sugar dissolve.

Otherwise the sugar would taste

really grainy in your lemonade.

Okay, now we're adding our fresh pureed strawberries

and fresh-squeezed lemon juice.

We're gonna stir this all together

and now you can add water and ice

to your preferred level of sweetness.

And I usually like to add at least

two and half cup of fresh water.

You can really add little as you like,

For best results, chill this

for a few hours in the refrigerator and serve it over ice.

We enjoy this strawberry lemonade all summer long

relaxing outside by the pool.

It's the perfect thing for a barbecue

if you're having friends over.

It's kind of special but it's really easy to make.

Let's try some.

(ice cubes clinking)

Oh, it's so good.

I love it when it's not overly sweet.

This is better than anything you could buy in a store.

It definitely tastes better from scratch.

See you soon.

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